Upcoming Event: OPRA™ Insight Forum Series: Chapter Boston
The OPRA Insight Forum Series is a set of outreach programs hosted by Integrum held across the U.S. to help educate and inform the limb loss community about Osseointegration.
The forums are designed to provide a broad perspective on Osseointegration and specifically the OPRA Implant System. A review of the acceptance criteria for consideration, brief explanation of the surgical procedures, and rehabilitation protocols are introduced and explained. Additionally, OPRA amputees will be a part of the event to share their stories, perspectives as well as answer questions.
When : Sept 17, 2019 –Meet and Greet (Appetizers & Beverages) 5pm, Discussions and Questions (6-8pm)
Where: Crown Plaza Boston Newton Hotel, 320 Washington Street, Newton, MA, 02458
For further information, contact kurt.collier@integrum.se