Integrum hosted a technical workshop on the clinical advantages of the OPRA™ Implant System and how it helps patients lead more active lives at the AAOP (American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists) annual meeting and scientific symposium
May 4th – 7th the AAOP held its annual meeting and scientific symposium (virtually) in New Orleans, Louisiana. During the meeting, Integrum hosted a technical workshop for prosthetists and orthotists from around the world. Presenters during the workshop were Kurt Collier, Certified Prosthetist and VP of Prosthetics at Integrum, Kevin Symms, Certified Orthotist, and amputee Carol Davies, who has been treated with the OPRA™ Implant System. Read Carol’s story here

In December of 2020, Integrum’s OPRA™ Implant System became the first and only product in the world to receive a PMA (premarket approval) from the FDA for the treatment of transfemoral amputees.
The American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists
The American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (AAOP), founded in 1970, is the professional organization representing certified practitioners, state-licensed practitioners, assistants, technicians, fitters, and others affiliated with the profession of orthotics and prosthetics (O&P). The Academy is dedicated to helping members provide the highest level of professionalism and service to their patients.
The Academy is the premier source of learning, knowledge, and research for the orthotic and prosthetic profession, providing professional resources, continuing education, and advocacy to enhance the skill level and awareness of orthotic and prosthetic professionals.