Dr.Max Ortiz Catalan receives the Chalmers Foundation Award 2020
Dr. Max Ortiz Catalan receives the Chalmers Foundation Award for 2020 for his work on natural control of prostheses through osseointegrated implants.
The Foundation’s motivation for the award is as follows:

Dr. Max Ortiz Catalan
“The Chalmers Foundation was formed in 1994, with the task of supporting Chalmers to carry out research and education at a high educational level. Chalmers has developed in a positive direction since then and our vision – Chalmers for a sustainable future – permeates all of our operations.
This vision encompasses several research fields, not least the meeting points between technology and medicine. The Chalmers Foundation Award is given annually to someone connected to Chalmers, for worthwhile, recent results, which have clearly contributed to the University’s development.
This year’s Award recognizes the continuation of a world-leading collaboration between Chalmers and Sahlgrenska, which started in the 1970s when PI Brånemark invited Chalmers into the dynamic research going on regarding osseointegrated titanium implants. Award winner Max Ortiz Catalan has succeeded, through his ability to collaborate with others, and putting patients’ needs foremost, in using the full potential of new technologies to improve the quality of life for those who have suffered accidents.
This year’s Award winner has worked successfully to ensure research results achieve their full potential. That also entails a responsibility to attract media attention to tell the story of important advances. Through active, skillful communication, this year’s Award winner has helped spread awareness all around the world of these important advances happening at Chalmers. He himself has also contributed greatly to the advances. He has been one of Chalmers’ foremost spokespersons in international media for several years and his work constitutes an important aspect of Chalmers’ international reputation”
Dr. Max Ortiz Catalan is an associate professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Chalmers and serves as the Research Director at Integrum AB. He leads several research projects at the Biomechanics and Neurorehabilitation Lab and Integrum AB. A non-exhaustive list of projects includes, development of a dextrous transradial Osseointegrated Prosthesis with neural control and sensory feedback (DeTOP), e-OPRA allows the natural control of artificial limb through the OPRA™ Implant System and the largest clinical trial in Phantom Limb Pain treatment.
The Chalmers Foundation Board made the decision with a jury consisting of Per Olof Arnäs, the Faculty Council and the Foundation’s Board, Claes Niklasson, Chalmersska Ingenjörsföreningen, Anna Dubois, Prorector and Jonathan Sjölander, Chalmers Student Union. Additionally, Christian Borg, press officer and Mattias Königsson, Chalmers Foundation also assisted the decision.